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Other Injections

What is MICC?

MICC is an injectable solution crafted to enhance the body’s capability to lose fat and boost energy by optimizing metabolic processes. Featuring a blend of essential nutrients, including Methionine, Inositol, Choline and Cyanocobalamin, MICC targets the efficient breakdown of fats and sugars, leading to improved energy conversion.

What is MICC Prescribed For?

MICC is prescribed to individuals as part of a comprehensive weight management program where each component of the injection functions as follows:

A person's legs/knees
(M) Methionine

Plays a crucial role in breaking down sugars and carbohydrates, aiding their conversion into energy to support weight loss efforts.

Showing a person's stomach muscles
(I) Inositol

Contributes to converting food into energy, enhancing metabolic rate and facilitating fat loss.

Close up of a face with half of it exposing muscles
(C) Choline

Helps reduce muscle recovery time and is instrumental in converting fat into energy, supporting weight loss and physical performance.

Close up of a face with half of it exposing muscles
(C) Cyanocobalamin (Cyano)

A synthetic form of vitamin B12, it aids in energy production by converting carbohydrates into glucose, boosting energy levels and supporting metabolic functions.

Dosage, Concentration, Route of Administration

A person's legs/knees

Seek advice from a licensed physician, medical director, or other healthcare provider for amount and frequency of administration.

Showing a person's stomach muscles
Concentration (per mL)

Methionine 25mg, Inositol 50mg, Choline 50mg, Cyanocobalamin 0.33mg.

Close up of a face with half of it exposing muscles
Route of Administration

Intramuscular (IM) injection only.

Precautions / Side Effects

We recommend consulting a healthcare provider to discuss any possible interactions with existing medications or health conditions before taking MICC. While generally well-tolerated, some individuals may experience side effects such as:

  • Irritation or redness at the injection site
  • Temporary fatigue or nausea

Lipo-Mino-Mix + Carnitine

What is Lip-Mino-Mix + Carnitine?

Lipo-Mino-Mix stands as our top-selling weight loss solution, designed to help you burn fat, elevate your energy levels and support your weight loss journey. This comprehensive formula combines a host of powerful ingredients, each chosen for their individual benefits that collectively work to optimize your metabolism and overall well-being.

Person standing on a scale

What Is Lipo-Mino-Mix + Carnitine Prescribed For?

Lipo-Mino-Mix + Carnitine is typically prescribed as part of a medically supervised weight loss program. The injection includes the following key ingredients:

A person's legs/knees
(M) Methionine

Assists in breaking down sugars and carbohydrates, converting them into energy.

Showing a person's stomach muscles
(I) Inositol

Helps convert food into energy.

Close up of a face with half of it exposing muscles
(C) Choline

Reduces muscle recovery time and aids in converting fat into energy.

Showing a person's stomach muscles
(C) Cyanocobalamin (Cyano)

A synthetic form of vitamin B12, it aids in energy production by converting carbohydrates into glucose, boosting energy levels and supporting metabolic functions.

A person's legs/knees
B1 Thiamine

Strengthens the immune system and assists in converting fats and carbohydrates into energy.

Showing a person's stomach muscles
B2 Riboflavin

Boosts metabolism and supports the immune system.

Close up of a face with half of it exposing muscles
B6 Pyridoxine

Promotes red blood cell production and helps convert food into energy.

Showing a person's stomach muscles

Improves fat metabolism, enhances energy levels, reduces recovery times and boosts muscle-building potential.

The treatment with Lipo-Mino-Mix + Carnitine is offered as the most comprehensive weight loss injection that we offer. This injection formulation contains Carnitine as an active ingredient which is only available via a patient prescription.  The Lipo-Mino-Mix + Carnitine combination contains all of the ingredients of our MICC injection plus the added benefits of B1, B2, B6, and Carnitine for administration.

Dosage, Concentration, Route of Administration

A person's legs/knees

Seek advice from a licensed physician, medical director, or other healthcare provider for amount and frequency of administration.

Showing a person's stomach muscles
Concentration (per mL)

Methionine 12.4mg, Inositol 25mg, Choline 25mg, Cyanocobalamin 0.33mg, B1 50mg, B2 5mg, B6 2mg, Carnitine 125mg.

Close up of a face with half of it exposing muscles
Route of Administration

For IM Injection only.

Precautions/Side Effects

As with any medical treatment, consult your healthcare provider for possible contraindications and interactions with other medications you may be taking. Some common side effects may include:

  • Irritation or redness at the injection site
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea